ACTivate your purpose and Begin Living the Life of Your Dreams without suffering mom guilt

Welcome to

We are a diverse group of millennial Christian Mompreneurs who used to suffer from burnout with little to no rest from day to day mom duties yet still having to get up super early to prepare for the next day. Now, we are empowered to accomplish our personal and professional goals since we have infused our faith into creating a balanced lifestyle. Trust and believe, the show don’t stop there because we desire for you to be free to be.

Join our community to find out how we did it.

Can you relate?

Does your morning routine consist of packing lunches for the kiddos, making breakfast, dropping the kids off to school, reminding your partner about their dentist appointment while rolling up to the parking lot of your job, in your car applying a light beat to your face and swiftly removing your bonnet before catching a coworker’s judging glance about your music of choice?

Whew chile!

Gon’ eat your breakfast and drink that coffee before it gets cold, unless you bought an iced latte. In that case, we got two words: Nourish Yourself.

Sis, we see your invisible tears trying to find time in your busy schedule to squeeze in a body wax, mani/pedi or a hair salon visit. 

Stop the madness. We want FREEDOM for you and since joining this community, we feel more empowered than ever to leave the overwhelm and lack of self care behind.

We got you covered, Sis

Discover joy today when you balance your faith filled lifestyle by allowing us to help you achieve your personal and professional goals without ever feeling guilty about making your well being a top priority. Just like the Slide, our energy is ELECTRIC.

Apply now to join our community and get selected to step your organization game up a notch.

Whether you need a sister girl moment, accountability for you getting that new promotion (Yup! We claimed it in Jesus’ name) or simply to be inspired by how excited we are for your new business venture, you’ll find all of that here plus more.

You deserve the best!

Our Community

  • Our community of busy moms is designed to help you maximize your productivity and make the most of your precious time. Through our online resources, expert advice, and supportive community, we'll help you find the balance you need to thrive.

  • As a member of our community, you'll have access to a wealth of resources and tools to help you stay organized, manage your time, and achieve your goals. Whether you're looking for tips on meal planning for your hungry munchkins, strategies for getting more done in less time, or advice on how to overcome procrastination so that you feel more equipped to handle the daily stressors of motherhood.

  • But that's not all. Our community is also a place to connect and share with other Christian moms who understand the challenges you're facing. You'll have the opportunity to network, collaborate, and partner with other busy moms building brands who are just as committed to achieving their goals as you are.

She Recommends Us

"I am just grateful for this group! It’s feels amazing to be surrounded by like minded women! Mothers and entrepreneurs that are also chasing after God! Whitney has been a great leader during this time. She’s always uplifting and encourages you to pursue your business goals! She tells you what needs to be done and what thus says the Lord! She has given us an outlet! In the group we can be ourselves, we support each other, we encourage each other, we love each other!! We pray together and also laugh together! It’s such a beautiful sisterhood! I’m thankful that Whit heard God’s voice and went forth with the vision He gave to her. This journey has been great and the best is yet to come!!"

-Rekema W. | Celebrity Make-up Artist | CEO of Kandied by Kema

 Meet The Visionary

Behind The Brand

Whitney Cooper

I’m Whitney, founder of The Mommy Phranchise

I am a Mom Strategist who helps Christian Mompreneurs find fulfillment by regaining control over their lives when we redesign their personal and professional goals for success.

I’ve been a new mom for about three years but I have learned so much in such a short time.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was standing in your shoes, feeling like my life was chaotic and unorganized. I was overwhelmed by my family duties as a mother. Even with my husband’s help, I still felt guilty for practicing self-care like taking a Zumba class, getting a spa treatment, or going to brunch with the girls knowing my toddler was at home with his daddy.

That is until I put my finger on exactly why I kept getting caught in those vicious cycles and created a surefire way to put an end to mom guilt once and for all. I want the same for you so buckle up and let’s get to work! 

More information about me: Learn More About JustWhit

x Whit